Wrigley’s Hubba Bubba超级草莓味泡泡糖 35g
Best Before: Check the package for expiry date details before eating.
Pickup available at Melbourne Warehouse
通常在 4 小时内就绪
Allergen Alert: Check the package for allergen details before eating.
Spicy Rate:
out of 5Sour Rate:
out of 5Numbing Rate:
out of 5
Wrigley’s Hubba Bubba超级草莓味泡泡糖(5块,35克)为经典泡泡糖体验带来了一抹水果的新意。充满了成熟草莓的甜美多汁味道,这款泡泡糖带来美味的水果口感,持久不褪色,同时享受吹泡泡的乐趣。每包35克含5块泡泡糖,适合与他人分享或独自享用。无论是吹出大泡泡,还是仅仅享受美味的嚼劲,Hubba Bubba超级草莓味泡泡糖都是水果味泡泡糖爱好者的完美选择。